Total Knee Replacement Surgery

If your knee is damaged by osteoarthritis, fracture, or injury, it may be tough for you to do normal movements, such as climbing stairs or walking. You may also cause to feel the pain while you are resting or sitting down. If nonsurgical methods like pills and applying walking supports are no longer effective, you may think about total knee replacement surgery. Total Knee replacement surgery in Jaipur is safe and effective to reduce the pain and help you continue regular work.
What About Total Knee Replacement Surgery:
Total knee replacement surgery involves replacing a damaged or diseased knee joint with an artificial implant. The knee is a crucial joint that allows movement where the femur (thigh bone) meets the lower leg bones. In this procedure, the end of the femur bone is removed and replaced with a prosthetic component designed to restore normal function. This surgery can relieve pain and improve mobility for individuals with severe knee damage.
What Happens During the Knee Replacement Procedure?
Step-1: Knee Dissection: To gain access to the kneecap(patella) the surgeon makes an incision across the front of your knee. Usually the incision is about 8 to 10 inches long. In minimally knee surgery the incision is about 4 to 6 inches long, these knee surgeries are called invasive knee surgery.
Step-2: Twisting the Kneecap (Patella): The surgeon rotates the kneecap outside the knee area Once your knee is open. This allows the surgeon to view the area needed to perform the procedure.
Step-3: Preparing the Thigh bone (Femur): The first bone which is resurfaced by the surgeon is thighbone. To carefully measure your bones the surgeon opened up and exposed your knee joint and make specific cuts using special instruments. Here, the damaged bone is cut away from the end of the thigh bone and resurfaced the first part of the artificial knee which is also called femoral component.
Step-4: Implanting the Artificial Knee: The surgeon fix the metal femoral component(artificial knee) to the end of the thigh bone and to seal it he or she uses bone cement into that place.
Step-5: Preparing the lower leg bone (Tibia): The next step is about resurfacing the lower leg bone, also called shine bone. From the top of the lower leg bone the surgeon separate the damaged bone and cartilage and then shapes the bone to attach the metal and plastic tibial materials.
Step 6: Implanting the Tibia Component: The surgeon attaches the tibial tray to the tibia(lower leg bone) and with the help of bone cement, secured it into the place. After placing tibial tray, the surgeon will snap in a polyethylene (medical-grade plastic) insert to sit between the tibial tray and the artificial knee. This insertion of tibia tray provides good support for your body as you flex and bend your knee.
Step-7: Re-Arranging the Kneecap (Patella): Before re-arranging the kneecap the surgeon might needed to flatten the kneecap and attaches it with the help of additional plastic component. The plastic piece is cemented to underlying bone.
Step-8: Finalizing the Operation: To complete the operation, the surgeon close the incision with stitches or staples .You can leave the operating room with your leg in a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine. While you are lying down this CPM machine will smoothly bend and flex your new knee.
Causes of Knee Replacement
Rheumatoid arthritis: In this condition, the synovial layer that encloses the joint converts swelled and stiffened. This continued swelling can hurt the cartilage and ultimately cause cartilage damage, injury, and stiffness.
Osteoarthritis: This is an age-related type of disease. It normally happens in people who have 50 years and old but may happen in younger people, also. The cartilage that cushions the ends of knee bones is damaged. The bones then rub on one another, causing knee pain.
Post-traumatic arthritis: This can arise a dangerous knee injury or fracture. Breaks of the bones girdling the knee ligaments may destroy the articular cartilage over age, producing knee hurt and restricting knee capacity.
When Knee Replacement Surgery Is Recommended:
There are many reasons to prescribe knee replacement surgery by Doctors.
- Having knee pain while relaxing, either day or bedtime
- Your knee pain restricts your daily routine activities like walking, seating, running and also resting.
- Having swelling and hardness in the knee after medication.
- Knee deformation
Cost of Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Jaipur
Cost can differ, depending upon where you have the technique and your general health around that time.
If you have different conditions that are not identified with your knees, they may affect the method and cost also.
While thinking about the costs of the procedure, you ought to likewise consider extra expenses for:
- Physical therapy in the hospital
- Treatment during your recovery at home
- Follow-up appointment and care